Outdoor Pursuits 16 Hour - Online Blended Part 1

92 videos, 4 hours and 51 minutes

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Lyme Disease

Video 87 of 92
1 min 43 sec
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Lyme Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Urgent Care

The Danger of Lyme Disease

Exploring the risks associated with Lyme disease, a potentially hazardous illness transmitted by ticks.

Cause of Lyme Disease

Understanding the bacterial origin of Lyme disease and its transmission through tick bites.

  • Tick-Borne Bacteria: The disease is caused by bacteria present in the saliva of infected ticks.
  • Tick Feeding Process: Ticks remain attached to the skin during blood-feeding, which can last 48-96 hours. Removal is crucial to prevent infection.

Prompt Tick Removal

Emphasizing the importance of swift tick removal to reduce infection risk.

  • Tick Removal Technique: Remove ticks at the base without squeezing the body to avoid pushing infected blood into the person.
  • Variability of Tick Infection: Not all ticks carry the Lyme disease bacterium, with regional and seasonal differences in infection rates.

Recognizing Lyme Disease Signs

Highlighting the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease, which may not manifest immediately.

  • Distinctive Skin Rash: An initial sign is a bull's-eye-like rash at the bite site, though variations can occur.
  • Possible Symptoms: Over several weeks following a tick bite, individuals may experience nausea, severe headaches, fatigue, flu-like conditions, muscle and joint pain, and a general feeling of unwellness.

Urgent Medical Care

Advising immediate consultation with a doctor if Lyme disease is suspected.