Outdoor Pursuits 16 Hour - Online Blended Part 1

92 videos, 4 hours and 51 minutes

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Nose bleeds

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1 min 47 sec
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Dealing with Nosebleeds: Causes and Treatment

1. Common Occurrence

Nosebleeds are a frequent occurrence in both children and adults. While they are typically easy to treat and often do not recur, they can be distressing for children and embarrassing for adults. Nosebleeds are usually caused by the close proximity of blood vessels to the skin in the nasal area, making them susceptible to damage from various factors.

  • Possible Causes: Nosebleeds can result from factors such as inserting objects into the nose, stress, illness, physical impacts to the nose, or facial injuries.
  • Caution: When addressing a nosebleed, exercise extreme care if you suspect a possible nasal fracture or external injuries.

2. First Aid for Nosebleeds

Providing immediate care for someone experiencing a nosebleed is essential. Follow these steps:

  1. Sit Them Down: Have the individual sit down to avoid any accidents.
  2. Offer Comfort: If necessary, provide reassurance and help them stay calm.
  3. Forward Leaning Position: Instruct them to lean forward to prevent blood from flowing down the throat, which can lead to vomiting or nausea.
  4. Pinch the Nose: Ask them to pinch the soft part of their nose. This action applies pressure and aids in stopping the bleeding.
  5. Provide a Bowl: Offer a bowl to allow them to spit out the blood rather than swallowing it.
  6. Offer Tissues: If needed, provide tissues for use during the treatment.
  7. Apply Pressure: Advise them to maintain pressure on the nose for at least 10 minutes.
  8. Check for Bleeding: After 10 minutes, gently remove their fingers to check if the bleeding has ceased.
  9. Repeat if Necessary: If bleeding persists, repeat the pressure application for another 10 minutes.
  10. Seek Medical Assistance: If the bleeding persists beyond 30 minutes, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

3. Preventive Measures

Ensure the person understands the following preventive measures:

  • Refrain from: Advising them to avoid actions like sniffing, coughing, blowing their nose, or talking, as these activities can trigger bleeding and hinder the healing process.
  • Regular Nosebleeds: If nosebleeds occur frequently, they may indicate an underlying issue. In such cases, consulting a doctor is recommended. It's worth noting that children who experience regular nosebleeds often outgrow them without requiring medical treatment.
Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit three LO3.1