Outdoor Pursuits 16 Hour - Online Blended Part 1

92 videos, 4 hours and 51 minutes

Course Content

Multiple casualty Incidents in remote areas

Video 10 of 92
2 min 39 sec
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Handling Multiple Casualties in Remote Areas

Understanding Multiple Casualty Scenarios

Dealing with multiple casualties in remote areas involves critical decisions on treatment and evacuation:

  • Complex Situations: Involving more than one injured individual.
  • Major Incidents: Commonly referred to as multiple casualty situations.
  • Assessment Factors: Severity depends on various considerations.

Triage: Categorizing Casualties

Efficiently assess and categorize casualties into four groups:

  • Priority 1 (Red Group): Immediate life-threatening injuries requiring urgent treatment.
  • Priority 2 (Yellow Group): Stable injuries, can be evacuated after Priority 1.
  • Priority 3 (Green Group): Walking wounded, may self-treat or assist others, evacuated last.
  • Dead Group (White Group): Irretrievable casualties.

Ensure focused attention on the most critical cases for effective resource allocation.

EMS Collaboration

When Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrive:

  • Joint Triage: EMS conducts their own assessment, your prior triage aids them.
  • Smooth Handover: Your initial work helps EMS seamlessly take over the situation.