Outdoor Pursuits 16 Hour - Online Blended Part 1

92 videos, 4 hours and 51 minutes

Course Content

Serious Bleeding and Bandaging

Video 39 of 92
2 min 54 sec

Dealing with Bleeding: First Aid Guide


Bleeding, resulting from injuries, can be both life-threatening and distressing. This guide offers essential steps for first aid responders to effectively manage bleeding incidents.

Stay Calm and Trust Your Training

Remember that bleeding may appear more severe than it actually is; maintaining composure is vital.

Use Protective Gloves

Before addressing the bleed, ensure you are wearing gloves to protect yourself from potential infection.

Direct Pressure

Direct pressure is the initial step in controlling serious bleeding:

  • Apply pressure over the wound using your gloved hand or have the patient apply pressure if possible.
  • This helps reduce blood loss and promotes clotting.

Pressure Bandage

For cuts, consider applying a sterile pressure bandage:

  • Ensure the bandage is not expired.
  • Open the packaging and reveal the bandage with a gauze pad.
  • Place the bandage over the wound, ensuring the dressing pad covers it.
  • If there's an embedded object, do not remove it.

Proper Dressing Application

When applying the dressing:

  • Use your gloved hand to apply direct pressure and ask the patient for assistance if available.
  • Position the patient comfortably to prevent fainting.
  • If necessary, call for an ambulance or do so after dressing application.
  • Apply the dressing distally (furthest from the heart) towards the body to avoid forcing blood past the wound.
  • Apply enough pressure to stop bleeding without cutting off circulation.
  • If blood soaks through, replace the dressing, check the wound, and reapply as needed.

Assess Circulation

After dressing application, check circulation by squeezing a fingertip to test capillary refill.

Additional Considerations

For cuts to other parts of the body:

  • Apply direct pressure with a dressing pad or use bandaging if applicable.

In cases of severe bleeding:

  • Address shock concerns by laying the patient down and elevating their legs, if possible.